I have scratches, poo, and chew marks all over my Subaru Outback. It seems that the Doritos scent in my car has made the racoons crazy.
I tried to sweep out any scent in my car. To no avail. Next day....chewing got worse.
How I solved the problem:
1. .5 gallons of river/stream water.
2. Cayenne pepper, or black pepper. What ever you have that is spicy, but won't ruin your car paint.
3. Mix #1 with #2. Be liberal with #2 even if it means you have bland food later.
4. Pour contents on your car and all around it.
It seems that racoons can't handle the spice. I actually believe I heard a racoon sneeze one night. My car is scratched and damaged... but no longer a buffet for raccoons.
**** Do not try this in Grizzly country. Pepper is a strong scent and it might attract attention in the back country.
**** I am not certified to give advice on anything back woods. These are just my experiences in protecting my car.
****It is actually advisable to NOT have a car that smells like Doritos... For racoons, bears, and the ladies.